Nevin and Joann Nisly

Nevin grew up on a farm in Kansas in a family of 4 children. He spent three years teaching school in Northwestern Ontario before moving to Delaware with his first wife, Alta. They soon had a family of five children.They spent 16 years ministering in a Christian school in Delaware before God called them to serve in a Christian school in Albuquerque, NM. In August of 2004, God took Alta, who battled cancer, to live with Him. Following this, Nevin reduced his school ministry responsibilities to get some training in Biblical counseling at Trinity University SW and also training in Christian conciliation through Peacemakers, Inc. This not only gave him a chance to relate to peers in a healthy way after losing his wife, but also provided an opportunity for him to fulfill a dream in his heart.
Joann grew up in a family of 6 children near Blackduck, MN. She served in a Christian school ministry in Northwestern Ontario, where she lived approximately 25 years. She then moved to Albuquerque, NM, in 2007 to continue teaching. Through some tough times in these years, she sought help from what is now called Hearts Alive! as well as spending time at Eagle Wings Discipleship Ministries, both of which used the "Caring For the Heart" model of Biblical counseling. On this journey Jesus showed Himself to her in personal ways, which instilled in her a passion to help other people who are hurting.
In August of 2008, Nevin and Joann were married and united their hearts and vision to help people who desire a closer connection to Jesus. This vision compelled them to complete John Regier’s internship training program at "Caring For the Heart." They desire to see couples and singles experience the hope in their hearts that only Jesus can give.
In 2009 they relocated to Partridge, KS, where God opened the door for HOPE Ministries to be founded. In 2011, the community built a cottage for people to stay in during their time at HOPE Ministries. In 2014 another small building was added on their property to assist with day time use. In June of 2014 they completed their final qualifications to become a Caring For The Heart office.
Nevin and Joann both have their own struggles and are with you in the journey. Nevin has begun to understand more of why he tends to withdraw and become silent. What he once thought was a Christian response, he is realizing is a response that can leave those around him in confusion. Joann experienced a time of deep depression and has been living free of that cycle for ten years. She believes in this method of walking with people because of the way it helped her in own healing process.
Both Nevin and Joann are still learning more about themselves. But most of all, they are still learning more about the Healer of broken hearts, Jesus Christ. When we realize more and more about who He is, the lies we have believed about Him and ourselves begin to dissipate. With Jesus, there is HOPE for all.