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Personal/Marital Enrichment
Personal/Marital Enrichment
The Program

We walk with people facing numerous issues including the following:

  • Depression

  • Relationship struggles

  • Addictions

  • Moral impurity

  • Grief and loss

  • Anger, control, and abuse issues

  • Finding hope for life

The typical schedule is five 3-hour sessions over a 3-day period. Because of the intensity of this time, we ask individuals to make it a time of retreat by taking off work and spending the time away from home (even if one is local). The secretary can assist you in finding lodging for this time. 

The Application

The steps to getting on the schedule for counseling are listed below and start with submitting an application.

Apply for Personal Enrichment



Submit Application


Fill out Paperwork 
and Watch DVDs

Expect at least a 3-month wait time once paperwork is completed


Come to HOPE Ministries

Stay on-site for 3 days
(5 three-hour sessions)

Counseling Preparation

We ask clients to watch five Caring for the Heart sessions in preparation for counseling. These sessions can be accessed online at this link.

Premarital Sessions
Premarital Sessions
Build a solid foundation for your marriage.
The Program

We spend 6-8 sessions going through the Caring for the Heart “Preparing for Marriage” program. This allows the couple to walk through many practical aspects of understanding and caring for each other. There is an emphasis on learning to spiritually and emotionally connect. Couples often find this to be a safe, structured way of discussing important things that might otherwise be difficult to address.

The Preparation

We request that couples individually take the personal enrichment before starting premarital sessions. If you have not already completed this, please apply for both personal and premarital sessions. Due to the scheduling time, we encourage pursuing premarital sessions six months (or as early as possible) before marriage. 

The Applications

If you have not had personal sessions, please complete the personal application in addition to the premarital one. Only one pre-marital application is needed per couple; however, both individuals will need to submit a personal application. 

Follow-Up Opportunities
Follow-Up Opportunities
Personal Sessions

If you have had the 15-hour personal/marital enrichment sessions, you are invited to return for follow-up sessions to be encouraged and renewed in the journey. Follow-up is tailored to meet your needs. 

Retreats and Follow-up Days

HOPE Ministries hosts retreats or follow-up days from time to time. These are special times of connecting with others on the journey and receiving input through sessions. 


HOPE Ministries has several resources geared towards providing on-going support and encouragement. 

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Church Seminars
Host a Seminar

HOPE Ministries welcomes partnerships with pastors and leaders to present a seminar, retreat, or workshop tailored to the congregation's needs. For more details, download the brochure below. 

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